Recently, I spent some time consulting
in Germany. The most exciting part of the work was my access to
a number of darkfield microscopes. This was the first time in my
career that I was able to document responses to various formulae
over a significant time period. Sporadically, this had happened
in the past but recently, the scale was simply much more significant.
Many years ago, a dentist left his
microscope in my home for some months, and I observed a phenomenon
that was rejected by all but one or two of my colleagues. It was
an unforgettable experience that unfortunately flew in the face
of countless years of work by trained darkfield microscopists who,
predictably, attempted to discredit both what I saw and my interpretation
of it.
To give this a really firm context,
let me simply say that I had been referring people to microscopists
for many years, something like twenty years. They were often told
they had crystals, fibrin, rouleauin short, all the features
associated with darkfield blood analysis. Provisionally, I had
concluded that cancer patients seemed to have more crystals than
others, and I vividly remembered one patient with a rare cancer
of the blood, Waldenströms macroglobulinemia, whose "crystal" was
so large that we had to pan from one end to the other so as to
be able to see the image on the external monitor.
Then, lo and behold, the "crystal" I
was observing broke into many smaller pieces, identically shaped.
They went from opaque to translucent. They developed inner organs.
I saw a long esophagus, a mouth, and a stomach. Then came dorsal
fins, tails, and then one excreted some ghastly fluid which made
me wild. The dentist brought over an armload of parasitology books
so I could look for something to explain what I had just captured
on video.
This experience was dramatic, but
there was no opportunity to follow up on it until recently. Much
as I tried to persuade the Enderlein people to look at the video,
they refused. I didn't have a microscope nor a license that permitted
me to prick fingers so I had to wait for another opportunity to
The Research and Investigations
A Russian lady doctor presented a
paper at a cancer conference in Stuttgart last Autumn (2003) in
which she stated that all the patients she had seen were parasitized
with one of three different parasites. The main one was trichomonas.
I don't know what the other two were. Dr. Tamara Lebedewa's book is available in
German; I thumbed through it, but all the references seemed to
be to trichomonas.
the last half year that the doctor and I were often peering through
the microscope until late at night, we only found trichomonas
in one patient, but we found countless other parasites. At this
time, the work is incomplete, but it has been suspended because
the funding we anticipated has not come through. This puts me
in the position of having some observations to share but less
hard data than I had hoped to have.
Recently, I spent a couple of days
collecting my things and discussing what was to become of the records
and digital images. These were all given to me to use however I
I would like to create a sort of
context for what was observed. First, we were only looking at blood,
usually drops from the edges of the fingers, but occasionally from
the ear lobes and once in a while arterial blood was used (drops
from blood drawn for infusions and oxygenation.) We were not actually
looking for parasites; we were simply examining blood samples in
darkfield microscopes. At one point, there were five scopes. After
the second trip, I developed some new parasite formulas that we
put into trials on the third trip.
I am still organizing some of the
information, but let me make two bold statements right now. First,
all patients with cancer as well as those with AIDS had parasites
in the blood, some as many as a dozen different types of parasites.
Second, the body has such a remarkable way of dealing with challenges
that I am in total awe of what is often referred to as the body's
intelligence. The body isn't just intelligent, it's ingenious!
For some years, I have been reading
almost every book I could find on parasitology. I find most of
the books desperately lacking the sort of information patients
and practitioners need. Typically, the books describe the epidemiology,
avenues of infection, life cycles and dependence on intermediate
hosts, and treatment, often with serious caveats suggesting that
the treatment is frequently worse than the disease or that many
parasites are harmless.
The exceptions are some of the better
known tropical parasites such as malaria and schistosomiasis, arguably
the two best understood parasites in the literature. Many of the
patients presenting in Germany had histories of foreign travel
and/or residence abroad, and many did, in fact, have histories
of malaria.
Parasites and their hosts have a
curious relationship. Basically, both the creatures and the infected
person have to work out survival in a way that maximizes opportunity
and life expectancy for both. This said, it is my opinion that
sharing of meals with uninvited guests is not really a benign situation
so whatever the textbooks say, they seem to be missing some important
This in an image of the middle section of a quite long blood parasite that has clearly been attacked (by white blood cells that are not seen) in a manner that compromised the integrity of the outer membrane of the parasite. There is fermentation at the sites of wounds. |
click to enlarge
said, the behavior of the parasites and the body's responses
to them vary enormously. I can make some broad statements based
on darkfield observations. First, there are obviously some parasites
that are so hated that when the blood is put onto a coverslip,
the red blood cells run like wildfire to escape the parasite.
Then, there are parasites that the white blood cells attack,
usually by damaging the membrane in various places, usually far
from the mouth and tail. There are also parasites that the red
blood cells surround and immobilize, usually by lining up several
cells deep. This often appears to be a suicide mission commanded
by white blood cells that stay at a discrete distance from the

The parasites come in every which
size and color. Some are opaque, sort of whitish but translucent,
some are red, some are more yellowish to almost gold, and a few
are brilliant shades of blue, everything from dark blue to lapis
lazuli. They also come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, from a
few microns to hundreds of microns. Some have appendages that seem
to help them to navigate. Many are partnered, in which case the
male is usually smaller and often differently shaped on the ends.
Occasionally, one finds whole nests of intertwined creatures. Sometimes,
one finds the parasites in the process of dining but commensural
would not seem to describe what one sees on a slide. If the parasite
is taking first dibs on its host's dinner, it would probably inhabit
the gastrointestinal tract and perhaps forage elsewhere only after
the pickings are slimmer in the GI tract. Many patients describe
the bizarre sensations of mobile creatures. Others had more prickly
sensations, like gnawing, biting, and even stabbing pains. A few
had itchiness; many were anemic. Some were very ill.
The parasites we could observe in
the blood were generally dining on blood, usually on red blood
cells, often perfectly healthy looking red blood cells.
however, we observed a parade of cells moving right in front of
the jaws of the parasite and it would allow safe passage of many
cells and then gulp down a crenated red blood cell. What is so
interesting is that the blood cells obviously know all about the
parasites and they have strategies for containing the moderately
dangerous ones, escaping the really dangerous ones, and placating
the safer ones.

These observations give rise to all
sorts of questions. For instance, given the variety, do we really
want to kill all of them? The patients who presented had all manner
of histories with conventional and alternative protocols and a
few had used the zapper or herbal protocols for parasites. Many
had been on chemotherapy; some had been irradiated; and my sense
is that to come up with definitive feedback will take several more
years. In the meantime, what we did is test a lot of formulas.
Parasite Formulas
As everyone probably knows, Hulda
Clark has had an enormous impact on the world of parasitology,
first, I believe, by positing that so many diseases are caused
by parasites and secondly by the challenges her public has posed
to the professional community. Speaking for myself, "all" triggered
a lot of resistance in me so I was slow to accept her theses and
was even less interested in her rather simple protocols using black
walnut, wormwood,
and cloves. This said,
she is so popular, it's almost impossible to ignore her since hardly
a day goes by when a patient doesn't bring forward her theories.

What intrigued me much more than
Clark's work was the report on Artemisia
annua that came out of the University of Washington in
late November 2001. As every herbalist knows, this wormwood (not
the same variety as used by Clark) is a famous malaria herb, used
for thousands of years for treatment of malaria.
It is an extremely safe herb that even relieves some of the anemia
associated with parasitization of the blood.
Then, there was a documentary on
the Discover Health channel some time back in which it was stated,
by the London School of Tropical Medicine, that two-thirds of all
people who ever lived on the Earth died of malaria. I was stunned.

What we did in Germany on the first
trips was to test a number of formulas for efficacy. What we discovered
is that they all seem to work. Perhaps even more important than
this revelation was that they seemed to be destroying the same
objects in the blood as chemotherapeutic agents, but the side effects
were, of course, much less severe.
Even more interesting was the fact
that most of the parasites died within hours of being administered
the herbs, this regardless of life cycle, lunar cycle, and other
variables that I always presumed were important.
A Digression
I am sure that all of you have the
same experience as I when it comes to major influences in one's
thinking. Some years ago, I discussed, online, the findings of
a study performed on llama herds. The herds were divided into groups
that received pharmaceutical parasiticides, herbal preparations,
and placebos. All the animals receiving the prescription medications
died, and it was initially assumed that the arsenic and mercury
were too toxic for the animals, but autopsies revealed that the
actual cause of death was bacterial infection related to decomposition
of dead parasites, many of which had perforated organ tissues,
such as we have all seen with heartworms.
The response of the herbalist
involved in this study was to develop a protocol that boosted
immunity. For some years, I followed this lead but was dissatisfied
with the results so I had longed for the opportunity to make
the kinds of observations that would allow perfecting of protocols.
I don't think I am 100% there yet, but I do think I'm in an interesting
position now, and I'm eager to work with others to develop our
understanding and protocols. Therefore, we are launching the
products I formulated between my second and third trips to Germany,
and I will explain the rationale for each when time permits.
The New Products
What I observed is that the vast
majority of parasites die almost as soon as the anti-parasitic
herbs are administered. It is not therefore necessary to take these
harsh formulas for weeks on end. One or two days is all that is
needed, but because the parasites can lay 25,000 to 250,000 eggs
a day, depending on their type, the name of the game is to continue
until the infection is eliminated, and this can be quite tricky
since many people not only hatch new parasites but are reinfected
by other persons and animals and risk factors in our world: contaminated
food and water, insect bites, etc., etc., etc. In short, vigilance
has its rewards.
Being a pacifist, parasite assassination
was difficult for me. I would have preferred to relocate all the
creatures to new homes, but I deferred to the Bhagavad Gita and
Krishna's counsel to Arjuna to prevail over the enemy. I have hence
named the first formula in the ParaPro protocol Arjuna's Arrows,
since Arjuna was an archer as well as warrior.
The second phase is, as we learned
from the llama study, potentially dangerous, but my observations
were that boosting immunity at this time does not have any significant
impact because the white blood cells do not approach the dead parasites
until the bacteria
finished their job. What happens during this stage, usually one
that lasts 5-6 days, is that the blood develops a lot of bacteria
and thrombocytes. There is also significant erythrocyte aggregation.
I am guessing that there is a risk of hemorrhaging because some
parasites may have died in places that would leave the host vulnerable
to internal bleeding. I just have to repeat myself: the way the
body manages all these complex processes is just amazing.
During the second cycle, patients
tend to be groggy and a few are a bit feverish. On the microscope
slide, the white blood cells will be seen on the periphery, far
from the death scenes of the parasites, but each day, they move
a little closer to the corpses of the once living parasites. In
the meantime, the parasites become less and less identifiable and
bacteria increase significantly in number until all that is left
is fibrin. Only then do the white blood cells appear at the scene,
and contrary to everything all the darkfield microscopists have
been telling me for years, I am convinced that the white blood
cells secrete an enzyme that allows them to digest the fibrin.
So, they eat not only the bacteria but the fibrin and the third
formula supports this phase of the process.
For the patient, circulation and
vitality improve during this stage and the blood starts to look
really good, but there is the not so small matter of the eggs so
the protocol has to be repeated again and again and again until
the parasites are really gone.
The name for the formula for the
second stage is Dragon Dreams. This name comes from the fact that
so many patients have visions of dragons and that we have put some
dragon's blood into the formula to reduce the risk of hemorrhaging.
third formula is called Phoenix Rising, an allusion, of course,
to resurrection after facing life altering challenges. I am as
intrigued by the effects parasites have on body chemistry and
temperament as on their reproductive cycles and diet. From what
I observed, there are major personality changes that occur once
individuals are free of the burden of infestations of other orders
of life.
Copyright by Ingrid Naiman 2004
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