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Message |
Katherine Legault
| Posted on Friday, July 28, 2000 - 12:29 am: | |
26/07/2000. Greetings to all, Can anyone assist me and suggest a formatting plan for an herbal anti-parasitical regime, as I have severe acid reflux it is extremely difficult, impossible for me to ingest strong herbal elements. My symptoms are severe abdominal bloating, severe kidney pain when I get up in the morning, and poor kidney & bowel functioning, profuse urination, lack of proper bowel frequency, bladder infections, yeast infections, frequent skin eruptions kept in check with tea tree oil, severe eczema all over, severe weight gain when my diet is very limited - 1 meal a day - frequent itching and the presence of anxiety difficulties for over 5 years now -- and although my existence has been riddled with excessive amounts of stress for the past fifteen years, I strongly suspect the presence of parasites. I would greatly and sincerely appreciate all help offered regarding this matter as I am unable to work at this time due to anxiety and poor health along with being robbed of all my vitality. Sincerely: Katherine Legault
| Posted on Tuesday, August 08, 2000 - 07:58 pm: | |
Katherine, You do sound quite miserable. As an astrologer, I am, of course, quite curious about your astrological indications. As I read your e-mail (I apologize, I had not seen until just now), I was first thinking of what a classic case of constitutional imbalance you present: high water, low fire . . . until you got to the part about itching. It would help all of us to know whether there is a probability of parasitic infection based on travel or exposure to infected animals or people. In your particular situation, I would suggest tackling one issue at a time because it would be somewhat overwhelming to address everything. Though you provided quite a lot of information for a bulletin board, it is less than is usually required for an in depth case history. However, regulating your digestion and elimination seems a very good place to start. I did a lot of work last summer on acid reflux protocols for opera singers. They work under extreme pressure, sing on empty stomachs, and then overeat late at night, something one might call an "occupational hazard" except that it is really the life style hazard of entertainers rather than opera itself. Just yesterday, I spoke with my primary herbal tonic producer about a carminative, digestive bitter, warmer than some bitters and more aromatic. It would be based on galangal, ginger, and cardamon with a little cinnamon, star anise, fennel, and so forth. I will make it delicious. In the meantime, I am willing to make it up as a tea that you can make into an herbal wine (something I am sure you learned in your herb school training.) I will post the ingredients and instructions tomorrow so that others can try this also. It will be extremely tasty if made in sake and served slightly warm. I would then combine this with an really good eliminatory tonic. I make my own powder and can vary the recipe depending on symptoms. In your case, I would use more detoxifying bitters because of the eczema. My experience is that it is safer to address these problems before the parasite program, but you would no doubt benefit from two more immediate measures: 1) extreme avoidance of chlorinated water; and 2) intestinal flora supported by turmeric. I will post some protocols tomorrow because my webmaster is working on the site today and we are trying not to overwrite each other's work! Good luck and stay in touch. Ingrid |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 08, 2000 - 11:07 pm: | |
08/08/00. In responce to Ingrid's reply to my acid reflux question - from Katherine. I just wanted to thank you for your kind reply Ingrid, it is much appreciated. Sincerely : Katherine. |
Rene Wass
| Posted on Monday, September 17, 2001 - 12:21 am: | |
Hi: I have been trying so find some information about gall bladder symptoms that might include burning in the chest==a heating up and it extends to my ears. I also have a lot of white flem that causes me to cough a lot. I am trying to figure this out. The doctor said I have a slight hyatal hernia. Right now the roof of my mouth has been sore. Can you give me some info please. |
| Posted on Wednesday, September 19, 2001 - 02:36 am: | |
You posted this question under acid reflux but the extent of the burning sensations sound a bit extreme for this. Has your doctor explained how a hiatal hernia could be related to your symptoms? What if you have an infection? or toxin? or severe pH imbalance? or something no one has thought about yet? Sounds like you need some hard answers in order to proceed correctly. Best wishes, |
angela sanacore
| Posted on Sunday, February 02, 2003 - 08:11 pm: | |
i have acid reflux which has eroded my vocal cords they swell and block my air, the dr. says that only an operation will help,as i cannot afford one and do-notwant one,im looking for and am sure there is something else.if you can help i would be thankful |
| Posted on Monday, February 03, 2003 - 12:30 am: | |
On what would they operate? Since the reflux is caused by gastric juices that move upwards, what are they planning to do? |
| Posted on Friday, September 26, 2003 - 07:21 am: | |
I had acid reflux so bad that I thought I was having a gall bladder attack that lasted 6 hours. My dietary changes have completely resolved my problems. Reflux results when too much of the wrong kind of acid is produced in the stomach. The stomach has "pumps" that produce hydrochloric acid necessary for food digestion, but when diet or stress causes too much acid in the stomach, it can back up into the esophagus. Stomach acid can, however, eat through the lining of the esophagus, so God made us with a protective mechanism to avoid stomach acid backing up into the esophagus. There's a "valve" between the esophagus and stomach that cinches down when acid enters the esophagus. But perastaltic action (wave-like contractions that help move food down the esophagus and into the stomach)continues. If that valve has shut down because of acid build-up but food is still in the esophagus, perastaltic action is trying to get that food through a closed valve into the stomach. Result? Pain! Nothing will help until the acid level at that valve is neutralized. In my research I learned that fresh-squeezed lemon juice is alkaline, no matter what you've heard. (It's only acidic if processed or heated.) So I've learned that drinking the juice of a freshly-squeezed lemon will immediately neutralize the acid and open that valve. It feels a little like the Drain-O commercial in which the clog moves instantly over the U-joint of the pipes and the pipes are open and free. The problem is, however, that you don't know WHEN the valve actually shuts down--you only know when the symptoms occur. So you may have a meal or part of a meal sitting atop the valve. Then food prevents the lemon juice from getting down to the valve. On one such occasion--before I learned how to prevent the buildup of acid in the first place--I drank a sufficient amount of water to force myself to throw up. Then once I removed the obstacle, I downed some lemon juice, and immediately the pain ceased. BUT the larger concern is how to prevent too much acid build-up in the stomach so that you don't cause the problem in the first place. (A warning: what you might be experiencing is a gall baldder attack, so don't confuse the 2--the symptoms are very similar.) To avoid acid build-up in the stomach, combine your foods properly. As long as I properly combine my foods, I don't have any problems--even mild ones. It's pretty simple. Don't eat any form of protein (bean or animal) with any form of sugar (including fruits which have a form of sugar called fructose)or starch (potatoes, rice, flours). Eat lots of colorful vegetables (not starchy vegies) with proteins and eat sugars alone--not at the end or beginning of a meal. Sugars and starches (many starches digest as sugars) are hard for the body to digest and combining them with other foods slows their transit time through the digestive system creating toxins and acid build-up. There are many helpful books on the topic of food combining. |
| Posted on Tuesday, April 06, 2004 - 04:34 am: | |
acid queen...this was the best info so far. It seems that we have the same symptoms. Funny thing for you to mention lemons. Because the only thing that made me feel better was a slightly sweeten lemonade. I thought Iit wad all in my mind. And advice on sleeping/ My acid is so bad that my stomach does flips in the middle of the night and I can't sleep for the pain...this is my third night up all night. |
| Posted on Friday, April 09, 2004 - 02:50 am: | |
Hate to add to the confusion but parasites sometimes also cause symptoms similar to the ones you have been describing.
Deb Harrity
| Posted on Monday, April 19, 2004 - 11:24 pm: | |
A friend of mine has a 5 week old baby who has been diagnosed with acid reflux disease. This baby "eats" only breast milk. The docs have put him on "baby zantac" which has us very alarmed. What other choices exist??? |
| Posted on Thursday, April 22, 2004 - 12:58 pm: | |
Deb, My first suggestion would be to put the mother on milk purifying protocols. The second thought that passed through my psyche was to suspect some interference with the baby's physiological functioning based on vaccines. The third concern is with the need for something carminative. Babies are able to tolerate dill water and fennel water and sometimes even a very tiny amount of cardamom or ginger, but the dill water is readily tolerated. This said, I wonder if you will have any influence at all in this situation? |
Cynthia Contractor
| Posted on Wednesday, June 02, 2004 - 01:26 pm: | |
Greetings! Blessings Ingrid for creating such an informative and healing website. Can you please offer me some advice. I have had absolutely no prior acid reflux prior to eating dinner at an Indian restaurant in late February. My stomach felt very uncomfortable that evening as did my companions. From the following morning until now I had had a burning sensation in my throat, always present and usually worse after eating.(My companion had no lasting symptoms). I have been to an ENT doctor, who looked at throat with scope and saw irritation but no tumors,prescribed Nexium and advised to see a Gastroenterologist if the symptoms persisted after one month. I did go see the Gastro doctor who told me I was taking the Nexium incorrectly and suggested taking it twice a day. It gave no relief. He has scheduled an upper GI for early July. I have since stopped taking the Nexium as I felt it was not helping and actually made me feel worse. I have since found an ancient therapy using ginger root juice. You juice several pounds and take 1 teaspoon upon rising. It seemed to help in the beginning but the effect seems less now. I have been avoiding acidic foods and take enzymes with meals but the symptom still persists. Can you offer any insight? |
| Posted on Monday, June 07, 2004 - 12:44 am: | |
Cynthia, Oh, it's always hard to guess what might be going on. While I personally love Indian food, I am wary of eating in restaurants in the evening because they seem to using microwave ovens these days. At lunch, there is usually a buffet, made conventionally, and usually this food is savory and easy to digest, but in the evenings, I rarely find this to be true. As for the ginger, it's a great remedy for upset stomachs but the juice, as you have discovered, does not retain its potency unless you put it into something that acts as a carrier. Even so, it tends to go a bit flat. You need the zing and this vanishes quite quickly except in honey or some kind of natural sugar. Even in brandy or vodka, the bite is usually lost unless you really extract this well and keep it tightly covered. Ironically, powdered ginger often retains its potency better. Galangal is just as good or better than ginger and I found some fabulous galangal powder in our local store recently. You can also use other spices like cardamom, cinnamon, and cloves. As for what is causing the problem, I dare not guess; it's simply strange that one meal could trigger such a reaction. There must have been some underlying problem that was stirred up, but I don't know what it is. Let me know what you find out. I hope it clears for you. |
Cynthia Contractor
| Posted on Monday, June 07, 2004 - 08:33 am: | |
Thank you Ingrid for your response. I am baffled by this situation myself but tend to agree with you that there is an underlying problem. I too love Indian food but am wary now about evening dining and the use of microwave ovens. Come July I should have a clearer understanding of the problem. In the meantime, I am ordering the ParaCleanse and Triphala, as I have always wanted to do a parasite cleanse. I will let you know the results of the upcoming test. Namaste! |
Eva Garcia
| Posted on Tuesday, June 15, 2004 - 12:27 am: | |
Where could go into the inter-net. What vegetables and fruits have a lot acid. I had the Gerd surgery about two years ago. And the acid reflux is coming back. I could feel all the acid in back of my throat. Its a nasty taste. I trying to work on food plan no sugar or white flour, but I don't know which fruits or vegetables have a lot acid? Could you please help me? I need some direction. I am taking these two medications temporary until see my Gast or Gerd surgeon. The name of medications are: FAMOTIDINE and METOCLOPRAMIDE, HCL. Thanks |
| Posted on Thursday, July 22, 2004 - 01:25 pm: | |
I appreciate what I've read so far and hope that you can help me as well. I have suffered with what I thought was severe allergy for the last several years. My nose has been running constantly and I'm never without a kleenex. (My eyes also tear often when my nose is running and I sneeze a lot -- heavily!)I have tried every antihistimine known to man and none of them worked. After a trip to the ENT who had done surgery on my septom to see if I was having a recurrence of nasal difficulty and he said not, I then made way to an allergist who had previously been an internist. There I was found to be allergic to "nothing". She, thank God, was wise enough to diagnose acid reflux and prescribed Protonix. It worked well on the nasal problems, but my feet swelled badly. This is serious for me because I have what has been called primary lymphadema (This means they don't know why my legs swell so badly.) My feet, however, don't swell usually. I pump the fluid off my legs often (not daily as prescribed), and perform "manual lymph drainage" on myself, all of which helps some. I have had a colonoscopy where no serious problems, but some minor diverticulitis were found. Additionally, I recently went to an orthapedic for pain in my knees and back, after having the chiropractor tell me I should. He tried several antiinflamitories on me. Oh my goodness! My legs and feet swelled so much that my shoes even stretched. I am a teacher and need to be on my feet and on top of my game. My legs cause me to be sluggish and the support stockings make my reflux worse so I sit a lot which is not what is best for teaching and adds to this problem. After giving modern medicine a chance, I have decided to get out my old Champion Juicer and give juicing another try. My problem is that I need advice on what vegies are best for my situation. Can you advise me? I have high hopes that you can help me.
| Posted on Tuesday, July 27, 2004 - 01:06 am: | |
Jane, The first question I would ask is whether the runny nose is constant or whether it is worse at home or at school, whether it differs according to temperature or humidity, whether it stops when you are away on holiday. If it is consistent, then I suspect infection and/or parasites complicated perhaps by toxic metals. These are guesses based on cursory input from you, but the MDs can tell whether you have elevated basophils or neutrophils. A good darkfield microscopist can also see this as well as the metals and/or parasites. You could have some dietary habit that is counterproductive, like using a microwave oven and not being able to metabolize food that is warmed in this manner. Lymphatic congestion is usually a symptom of another problem and it is sometimes as simple as pH imbalance or as serious as a major parasitic infection./ You can get a good book on juicing, one with recipes. I always prefer lots of greens and not quite as heavy on the beets and carrots. I like to see people using fresh ginger root and more exotic vegetables like fennel root and burdock root and a little parsley. Many lymphatic problems are relieved in just a few days of green fasting. Good luck. |
| Posted on Wednesday, January 05, 2005 - 02:43 pm: | |
I spoke to a woman about acid reflux and she mentioned that she found a website that told her about foods that can and cannot be eaten together that would cause acid reflux has anyone seen this website or might know about this |
| Posted on Wednesday, January 26, 2005 - 09:46 am: | |
Becky, I think the "way of eating" that you're refering to is "Food Combining" or the "Hay Diet". I find the following website useful for reference purposes, recipes etc. and if you're considering this diet it'd be worth investing in the book “Food Combining for Health” (by Jean Joice and Doris Grant) _1_2_1/026-3962910-7888465. I used to have acid reflux almost every day but since I began food combining 8 months ago I have had had almost no heartburn and generally feel so much healthier and energetic. The combinations take a bit of getting used to but once you start to feel better you'll really enjoy this way of eating. |
Margie Terry
| Posted on Tuesday, March 15, 2005 - 07:58 pm: | |
Hi, I was diagnosed with acid reflux disease, last year I had my esophagus widened, currently taking protonics,when I eat food, My esophagus feels like it is going to explode when the food goes down, and when it gets to my stomach it hurts. I also have nausea, and excessive urination is this caused by gerd? thanks margie |
| Posted on Wednesday, March 16, 2005 - 11:32 am: | |
to anyone interested, well worth looking at: |
| Posted on Thursday, April 21, 2005 - 02:55 pm: | |
Hello everyone, I have been reading the posts. I have an all natural product that will help your acid reflux. So, you don't have to worry about any side effects. If you would like more information regarding the product. You can email me. Wishing everyone good health! |
| Posted on Tuesday, May 03, 2005 - 01:54 pm: | |
Try this web site It's about information on all health subject including acid reflux |
| Posted on Thursday, July 28, 2005 - 06:30 am: | |
Hi Katherine I have suffered with acid reflux for a few years and was cured at the optimum health institute in san diego (lemon grove) the cure consists of a vegitarian diet of live foods. The cost for 1 week is $600 but I think you can find information on the diet online under raw food diets. I think the key to success is staying on the program. D. |
| Posted on Friday, September 16, 2005 - 12:54 am: | |
Acid reflux can be one of the following reasons even combination of parasites, lack of fiber, not drinking enough water, body not having enough enzymes to digest foods and toxins. First of all you should eat more than half of what you eat should be vegetables and fruits. Absolutely no processed foods. No grains which includes rice, bread, pasta, soy etc. Also it's good to take cod liver oil daily or fish oil that is certified to be free of murcery posioning. For cooking if any you can get coconut oil, anyother oil will turn into a dangerous fat in high heat. Best one I found is at Now it sound gross but it's not that bad. You should make your own fermented cabbage juice. You can add fresh juiced carrot if you don't like the taste. Instructions how to make is at _best_lactobacteria.htm Fermented cabbage juice has friendly bacteria that helps with digestion and kill any bacteria in your colon. Just remember all foods and even water has bacteria. I know that water has bacteria even if chlorinated, to completely destroy all bacteria in water you have to boil is extremely high tempatures which you could never do. You can buy a reverse osmosis water filter machine or Ionizer water machine that kills the bacteria and raises the level of the ph of the water. One I know you can adjust the ph in the water. NO candy no sugars. Fruits bother me too some people can tolerate it. Limit to one serving of fruit if you want. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water. Best is 10 to 10 cups of water. NO spicies, no tea, no coffee etc. DO NOT take vitamins because most of them don't come from natural sources. YOu can get natural vitamins from It's from natural sources. Learn to breath deep. Breath in your nose and hold for at least 5 seconds then breath out through the mouth slowly. There are exercises you can do most of them are stretching and some yoga moves. Some I I learned from the net some from my martial arts training. I wouldn't waste my time paying $600 a week with a little patient and paying attention how foods affect you, you can modify your diet accordingly. Good luck |
emma de wolff
| Posted on Tuesday, September 20, 2005 - 02:16 pm: | |
Hi out there, I'm struggling with symptoms at present and am not getting relief. I was diagnosed with gastric reflux disease at beinning of last year after periodic bouts of extreme pain. Have only had 1 episode of pain since thankfully. However, some months ago i had persistent sore throat which went after 3weeks. It's come back and i have now had it since July this year. In addition I now feel constantly nauseous and am only eating rice cakes and apples. I drink freshly juiced apple and carrot juice in morning but it's not helping. I'm at my wits end, exhausted and worried, and from reading the postings on this website feel that you may understand how it is. As I have also been suffering recurrent Urinary Tract Infections too I feel like i'm never going to feel well again. It's really hard trying to hold down a job and engage fully in family life. Iwould appreciate any advice and shared experience. thanks, Emma |
emma de wolff
| Posted on Tuesday, September 20, 2005 - 02:19 pm: | |
Hi out there, I'm struggling with symptoms at present and am not getting relief. I was diagnosed with gastric reflux disease at beinning of last year after periodic bouts of extreme pain. Have only had 1 episode of pain since thankfully. However, some months ago i had persistent sore throat which went after 3weeks. It's come back and i have now had it since July. In addition I now feel constantly nauseous and am only eating rice cakes and apples. I drink freshly juiced apple and carrot juice in morning but it's not helping. I'm at my wits end, exhausted and worried, and from reading the postings on this website feel that you may understand how it is. As I have also been suffering acute and recurrent Urinary Tract Infections I feel like i'm never going to feel well again. It's really hard trying to hold down a job and engage fully in family life. Iwould appreciate any advice and shared experience. thanks, Emma |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 23, 2005 - 10:57 pm: | |
Excellent information! Thank you all. I, like Cynthia a few messages back, have never had acid reflux until October 17, 2004 on which date I created a Pepper Steak recipe using a crock pot. The concoction which was rich in tomatoes, green peppers, and onions stewed for about 7 hours. It was delicious... I awoke at 1:30 a.m. with uncontrolable hick-ups, belching, and a severe burning sensation in my chest and throat. I have lived with the pain now for 1 year, 1 month, and 6 days, in varying degrees of severity. None of common over-the-counter medicines would relieve the pain. I have tried Zantac 75, Zantac 150, Pepcid AC, Pepcid Complete, Tagamet, and Prilosec. The best results came from a combination of Tagamet (morning) and Pepcid Complete (evening). But I still wake up every morning at about 3 a.m. with the burning in my throat. I keep a tin of Altoids (peppermint) and a bottle of water by my bed. When I feel the burning, I chew one altoid and chase it down with about 8 oz of water. What is odd about my situation is that some foods and beverages that are supposed to aggravate an acid reflux condition give me relief... for example; beer, cold drinks, citric juices, and coffee. I can even eat spicy foods, jalapenos, and pizza with no adverse affects. However, a boiled egg, a cup of tea, or fried food will give me reflux for a couple of days. I am tired of using these over-the-counter drugs and am concerned about the long-term health effects. I want to try natural remedies, but there is so much information on the internet I get confused especially since a lot of the information is contradictory. Can someone clear it up for me and provide a good regiment that I can follow? |
| Posted on Monday, December 05, 2005 - 10:19 pm: | |
I too was diagnosed with acid reflux. There is a possibility that I may have gall bladder problems, maybe even gall stones. I had my daughter mid 2004 and after her birth, I've had heartburn/acid indigestion with spicy, greasy, and sweet foods/drinks. It's gotten worse due to weight gain, and I don't know how to control it. I am terrified that if it persists, the condition could get worse. I need advice or weight loss tips as well as what to do about the acid reflux. I've taken Pepcid AC, Pepcid Complete, a prescription medicine, and Pepto. Neither seems to work for a period of time. As a young mother, I want to be freed from the stress of the reflux and be able to move about and play with my daughter again. Please answer. Any advice is helpful! |
Johanna Lindsey
| Posted on Wednesday, December 14, 2005 - 01:52 pm: | |
I have gastroparesis, GERD and LPRD. I don't know which came first, the chicken or the egg. I am trying to come up with an eating program that is low in fiber as suggests the Gastroparesis diets, while still finding foods that focus on decreasing reflux. I am interested in the food combining. Any other suggestions? |